What it means to 'Release the Emirati within' you..


تعريف : اطلق الروح الإماراتية بداخلك
هذا ما ارسلناه للترحيب بالمشاركات

نحن مجموعة مكونة من ثلاثة طالبات من جامعة زايد في دبي نعمل على مشروع تخرج. مشروعنا هو عبارة عن مجلة اماراتية و التي سوف تسلط الضوء على المواهب و الاصوات الاماراتية الغير مسموعة حيث ستطلعكم هذه المجلةعلى اسلوب الحياة الاماراتية. هنا ياتي دوركم لتكونوا جزء من هذا المشروع عن طريق ارسال كتاباتكم، فنونكم، قصصكم المستوحاه و اي شيء يتعلق بالازياء و غيره الكثير. بجانب حصولكم على فرصة التالق في مجتمع الامارات، مشاركاتكم ستساعدنا لبناء اصدار اماراتي ٪100

هذا ما نعنيه
هذا سيساعدنا في ان تطلقوا الروح الاماراتية بداخلكم

عندما نقول اطلق الروح الاماراتية بداخلك. نريد اعطاءكم انتم الاماراتيين فرصة قول ما تريدون قوله ببساطه، لاطلاق افكاركم التي جسدتموها في اعمالكم و اخراجها للعالم

نحن نؤمن بان ما ينتجه الاشخاص عادة ما ينبع من الهامهم، افكارهم، حواسهم، محيطهم، مواقفهم و  كل هذا سيدفعهم لفعل شيء يستحق التقدير في حياتهم. نحن نعيش في دولتنا ؛دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة الا تعتقدون انه حان الوقت لنسطع و نتالق.

لذلك اطلقوا الروح الاماراتية بداخلكم عن طريق اظهار ما تمتلكون من مواهب، من افكار ،من تصاميم مبدعة مع احاسيسكم الثقافية و الوطنية

Definition of: 'Release the Emirati within. ' 

This is what we sent out: (for contributions)

We are a group of three Emirati students from Zayed University, Dubai, who are working on a senior capstone project. Our project is an Emirati magazine that will shed light on previously unheard Emirati voices and talents and provide a spotlight on the UAE lifestyle. This is where you come in; we would like you to be a part of our project by sending in contributions of writings, artwork, inspirational stories, anything fashion related and more. Not only will you be given the opportunity to shine in the UAE society, but your contributions will also help us build a legendary publication that is 100% pure Emirati focused.

This is what we mean:

This will help us release the Emirati within you.  We want to give you the privilege and all Emirati’s who have something to say, basically to release your thoughts, feelings allow any of your works to be shown and prove your creative side to the world.

We believe that the work one produces usually evolves from their inspirations, thoughts, feelings, surroundings, and circumstances. These are factors that encourage or push them to do something worthy and valuable in their lives. We live in the UAE, our country; don’t you believe that it is time that WE shine?

So release the Emirati within you by showcasing your talented works, inspirational thoughts, creative designs and traditional emotions. 

The Emirati within us is released…Release yours

Dear +971-ers:

We are so excited to invite you all to our magazine's launch events on the 23rd and 24th of December 2010…Yes basically in 2 days…
For the past three months we have worked on creating a new change, an Emirati change that can for once bring us all together under one united creative and powerful roof..
As you will find us at the Aquarium Walk, level 1, you will be able to share our three months of hard work with us and join us in helping to release the Emirati within us all..

We look forward to meeting every single one of you and introducing you to +971 magazine.

Quote of the day: Wise words continue to inspire..

"The real asset of any advanced nation is its people, especially 

the educated ones, and the prosperity and success of the 

people are measured by the standard of their education." 
                                    Sheikh Zayed-peace be upon him

A map, that maps it all!!

What caught our eye! At Zayed University, a map of honor!!! Cool right?
What better way to explain honor?
It inspired us immediately and we wanted to share this masterpiece with all of you..
Look closely at the details, we were AMAZED!

Wise words from Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan..Peace be upon him.

"He who does not know his past cannot make the best of his 

present and future, for it is from the past that we learn."

                                                              Sheikh Zayed

Whenever you feel for Falafel!

Only go for...

Because like you, once we also ----->

This a very cool concept that sells just FALAFEL!! How cool is that? Through their menu you get a tour of falafel in different cuisines such as Lebanese, Greek, Indian etc..All with different flavors and amazing fillings!

Check out this link of this ADORABLE video of Just Falafel celebrating UAE National day!


To contact Just Falafel visit: www.justfalafel.com

Pass by...

Bullets&Butterflies, an AMAZING, new Emirati fashion concept store that sells statement pieces of jewelry, shoes, leggings, clothing and so much more. As we entered we were amazed at the decor, the products and the tree in the middle of the store. The tree was basically made out of supportive notes from people, encouraging  and congratulating the two Emirati sisters Alia and Hind Bin Kherbash on their success. We were excited to join the support as well and signed our encouragement immediately!

Check out the AMAZING pieces for male and females available at this store!

Where to find this?

Mercato, ground floor, near Patchi.
For more information contact Bullets&Butterflies: 04-3422243
Visit their website: www.bulletsbutterflies.com

+971 is here for U

We are all about promoting Emiratis. Whether it be businesses, individuals, artists, designers, writers, athletes, etc. +971 magazine aims to make Emiratis shine. We all need to be heard, appreciated for our talents and creative side. We all deserve a chance to show the world what we are made of and how we can make a change one day at a time. Here you will witness hidden treasures and places and news about Emiratis and about anything happening in the Emirates to keep you updated and aware of everything FUN!!

TEDX Dubai Women

Amna Abulhoul, a twenty something year old girl, a Zayed University graduate, a semi finalist in the Imagineering competition, an art director for DOHMS, and an inspiring young women had the privilege to speak on one of the most inspirational floors today and that was TEDXDubaiWomen. 

This event that was organized by the College of Communications and Media Sciences at Zayed University was one that we could not have missed. Emirati speakers like Butheina Kazim, Basma Al Fahim, Maryam Darwish and Tarifa Ajaif were also present and took part of this re-imagination of the role of women in the UAE.

Amna as a little girl always had a dream, and that was to produce pieces of work like Disney does for their cartoons. She didn't know when it was going to come true but one fine day at 2a.m that mobile of hers rang, it rang not only to wake her up from her dreams in her sleep... it woke her up for her to start making that once a glittering dream in her mind come true.

"Hello, am I speaking to Amna?" the caller asked.
"Yes, you are...Amna speaking..How can I help you?" Amna said.
"So you are the one who entered the emagineering competition, am I right?" the caller confirmed. 
"Yes" Amna replied.

This phone call was a couple of interview questions that took place in the midst of a normal night only to be the path and steps to Amna's big dream. It was time for her to breakthrough, and on her way she did...

 Living her dream by interning at the Imagineering offices in the USA in November 2009, Amna achieved not only a lot of insights and lessons, but an experience she will never forget.

"The real magic about Disney is not the magic you see, its the sparkle you feel inside your heart." 

We were glad we attended this EXCELLENT event and be a part of the inspirations around us.

How our day went by ...

We started by buying some furniture for the day of our event 
WHICH, by the way you are all invited to on the 23rd & 24th of December 2010 at the Dubai mall.

 Then later stopped by our local petrol station for some refreshments...
Before heading to uni...
 and as you can see.. the work continues...
we want to amaze you, hence we are bringing out our finest :D

Keep checking this space for more updates!!
We hope to surprise you all!!